Sophia and Gabriel are Growing Up!

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Hi Everyone - Since the last time we've posted I've turned 6 months old and I'm starting to babble a lot more now. My favorite phrase is MA MA MA MA MA, followed by BA BA BA BA along with a few other sounds that come out. Still trying to figure out how to get out DA DA DA DA but I'm not quite there yet.

Anyway - On with the show. Here are a few pictures of me on Mother's Day in my pretty dress. I also turned 6 months old on Mother's Day too!

And here is Gabby taking a look at my dress

Now here I am with my hat - you can never forget about your hat!


Oh - And did I mention that I like to practice how to stand. Here is the first picture - but its hard for mommy to keep her hand on me and get a full body shot. So we will have to get daddy to take one soon!

Here I am swinging away. I like to sit up in it now unless I'm sleeping =)


And here is a picture of me and mommy and grandma.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Look out world - I've got TEETH!

Hi Everyone -
Sorry for the delay in posting the latest happenings. Things have been a little rough for mom and dad lately. Between me getting my first tooth last Tuesday, with the second shortly to follow last Thursday, I haven't been letting mom and dad sleep too much this past week. Oh - and lets not forget my tummy troubles too!

Anyway - As I promised here is a picture of me riding a pony! Oops I mean Tank!

And here is me giving mom and dad a clue that my first tooth is coming in a few days

I've also been learning a few new tricks since the last time we posted. I can now roll over from my tummy to my back. However, since I hate being on my tummy I chose not to roll over onto my tummy. Instead I just like to roll from side to side, grabbing and sucking my feet.

I've also been really interested in hats - I must get it from my mommy. Anyway - Here I am stealing my daddy's hat =)

And wearing the hat

Yea - I'm styling!
