Sophia and Gabriel are Growing Up!

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, April 21, 2008

Look at all the BIG Doggies!

Hi Everybody -
Another week has flown by and I thought I would share some of the latest excitement. Daddy was travelling for work this week so I just hung around with the cat.


I miss daddy when he's a away for so long.

Well - On Friday I went with Mommy and my Aunt Jessica to play with Gabby's Friends.

This is Gabby's boyfriend! His name is Tank, the english mastiff!

He's REALLY BIG but REALLY sweet too. When's Tanks mommy sends the picture of me riding him I'll put it up to show everyone =)

It was fun to see Gabby and all of the other doggies - Just when I thought Gabby was a big doggie ... turns out she's not so big!

See everyone next week!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Lots of Fun New Things at 5 Months Old!

Ok Everybody - With this post we are officially caught up!!! Lots of fun new things to experience and share with you all!

Now here I am... turning 5 months old... can you believe how fast I'm growing!

And yet... Look how cute I am!

But man... Its a lot of work being cute!

Now to share some new experiences. Last week I started to try something other than formula. Oatmeal! Not so bad... Daddy will have to post some pictures of my first meal! However, this week mommy thought it would be nice to try something new. SWEET POTATOES!

I'm not sure about this....

Yea... I'm positively, absolutely, undoubtly certain.... Sweet Potatoes are not sweet and I don't like them!

Now - For some happier times.

Mommy thought it would be a good idea to show some of my latest favorite things to do. Here is one of me playing with my feet. I also like to suck on them but Mommy isn't quick enough to catch it on film yet!

I also like to visit grandma and grandpa. I see them every day and today I went over to show off my new hat.

Have I mentioned I really like my new hat?

Ok - Time for me to take a nap. See you all soon!

Sophia at 4 months

Hi Everybody - My mom was crafty and figured out how to get my pictures off her camera. So time to catch everyone up on what I've been up to.

Here I am on my 4 month birthday. Mom insists I hold onto these signs - but I would rather crumple them up!

I really like to read my books - although lately I've either wanted to eat them or kick them.... guess which one I'm in the mood to do now!

Here's another good picture of me smiling =)

This is usually how I start my mornings - watching mommy and daddy getting ready for work.

Now... which toy should I chew on... I mean play with!

In other fun.... I'm starting to really enjoy my exer-saucer. THANKS AUNT STACEY!

Friday, April 11, 2008

They will come...

I know everyone is chomping at the bit for the latest in Sophia updates. We promise that they will be more frequent and current on the weeks happenings.
Right now Months 4 and on are stuck on the camera and waiting to be posted.
In the meantime, today Sophia turns 5 months old. She has just had a growth spurt and is now 16lbs and just over 25 inches long. And if you think her cheeks were delicious before... just wait and see her now!
At this point she loves trying to sit up and play with her feet. Although, she topples over quite easily. She's also a champ at tummy time and depending on how her arms are she can roll over on her back.
Gabby is starting to realize that Sophia is a person and has on numerous occassions tried to get Sophia to play catch. Kel recently found Gabby placing the ball into Sophia's lap in the swing. Soon girls soon!
Well - I think this was a good start for the Nelson Blog. Stay tuned for pictures of Sophia and her first spoon fed meal and the latest on her favorite things!

3 Months Old & Christened

Well Everyone - At this point things start to get a little slow with the pictures. I'm back at work and Sophia spends her days with Grandma and Grandpa.

Sophia's Christening on February 10, 2008.

Just lounging around being Cute




2 months and Counting

Its after the holidays and time to relax.
I'm 2 Months Old Today
Its Getting a Little Hot in Here!
Mommy Sure Likes To Put Me in Hats!
Some Daddy and Me Time
My Hair Sure Likes To Do Funny Things
Gabby Wants Some Love Too

1 Month Old and Counting

Here are a few pictures of Sophia from 1 month on...
Here comes Santa Claus
Grandpa Nelson came to visit
Me and Daddy
Getting Ready for a Bath
Me and Mommy going out

Christmas Card Photo Shoot

Sophia's about 1 month old now and its time to share the new with the family. So we set out to create our personalized Christmas card. Here are a few shots of Sophia while she is awake.
Looking Dreamy
I love taking pictures.
I just LOVE Sophia
Are we done yet?

Sophia Lynn Makes her Debut!

Well Everyone - You've made it to the good part. Now introducing *drum roll please*

Sophia Lynn Nelson
Born November 11, 2007
5:03 pm
7 lbs 15 ozs
20 inches long
Grandma and Grandpa are very excited!

Due Dates Here... Where's the Baby?

So here we are November 10, 2007. Going about our weekend chores and wondering how long the little one will wait to make her appearance. Sure enough.... I start feeling a little weird around 3pm and by 9pm my contractions are kicking into gear.

Since they weren't consistent yet we wait it out.

November 11 - 3am - Um.... Kel.... *poke poke* Its time!!! Off to the hospital we go.

Growing Our Little Love Bug

So we patiently wait and watch me grow!

She's a little shy here at 28wks